Let me start off by saying a
Happy Father´s Day to my Dad! Thanks for all you've done for me and all
you've taught me, and I wouldn't be here without you!
Wednesday we had the chance to teach one of the recent converts here on
the island. Her name is B, and up to this moment in her time in the
church she has had some doubts about Joseph Smith. When we arrived to
teach her, she told us that she was able to talk with a member about her
doubts, and la hermana E was able to explain it all to her, and
now B is doing great. the members here are awesome and the members
are essential to the work here on the Island.
night we were able to have a ward activity and play basketball. we went
to the municipal gym to play; it didnt end well. One of the other
players who wasn't a member of the church headbutted Elder S in the
chest while he was shooting. Elder S didn't do anything to deserve it,
but we weren't left with the greatest desire to keep playing so we left.
Thursday we were able to do a service project for a couple that we are
teaching. We teach English to P and J and they asked us to
help them clean out their garage. They just bought a new puppy named
bernardito. He is so cute it is ridiculous.
the service we were able to teach a woman named I. We have stopped
by her house many times, but for one reason or another we haven't been
able to really dive in and teach the Restoration to her. We were finally
able to and it went really well, and she committed to reading the Book
of Mormon and praying about it!
On Friday, we
were able to have a lesson with R. R is a recent convert in the
island that hasn't gone to church in a while. She is very nice, and very
funny, and we were able to teach her in the house of R who is the
first counselor in the branch here. The spirit was way strong and we
were able to discover some of the doubts she was having, R testified so powerfully about the church and the restoration. It was
On Saturday we helped a family mow
their lawn. They don't have lawn mowers here because there are so many
rocks, so everyone uses weed wackers. It was fun.
went to F's birthday party that night. She is an investigator
of the other elders, but she is a good friend of ours, and we were able
to eat cake and celebrate with her.
Yesterday I
was assigned to speak about fathers in sacrament meeting. It got a
little emotional, but I remained in control. there was a surprise as
well at church. A pilot from the Chilean Air Force came. Where was the
pilot from? Idaho! It was fun to talk with him. He is doing a pilot
exchange thing with the Chilean Air Force and he and his family are
living in Valparaiso. He was really cool.
rest of the afternoon on Sunday we spent visiting people. A lot of
people were busy with Father´s Day parties, so we were biking around a
lot, and calling to see who we could teach. We also had the blessing to
bring the sacrament to a couple of members in the branch that were sick,
so that brought back a fair amount of memories from the Bothell Ward.
That's it for this week. just want to end with my testimony of the importance of this work. I was reading Jesus the Christ
and it talked about the parable of the workers of the vineyard. There
were some that worked all day and others that worked no more than a
couple of hours. Talmage talked about the importance of serving for the
work and not for the wage, and that is a true principle. I am here to
work in the Lord´s vineyard and it my blessing and privilege to serve
the Lord Jesus Christ. He is what drives me when I am tired and
foolishness enough to get discouraged. I love Him and I am trying to
prove it one righteous decision at a time.
Love, Elder Williams
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