Santiago Chile

Santiago Chile

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Nov 3 - Temple

hola familia y amigos!

this week was interesting. we weren´t able to spend a ton of time in the sector, but we still had a lot of fun and a lot of the spirit.

this week was cambios and I am staying here in Quinta Normal with Elder Muñoz. I will be completing 6 months in my ward and 4.5 months with elder Muñoz at the end of this cambio. Im growing up so fast!

this week I had to do some identification stuff. I had to go and wait in a lot of lines and receive stamps and papers so I can stay here in Chile legally. it was cool to visit a different part of Santiago to do it. it was really funny to be in the large waiting rooms (similar to the DMV) and see hundreds of bolivians, peruanos, and argentinians. I saw a couple of gringos, and there was a silent recognition between us that was like "hey we are from the same country".

We were also out of the sector because my companion is practicing for his musical number with elder Nelson that is coming next week. just a heads up, I think they are going to change our pday to tuesday next week, but Im not 100% sure.

BIG NEWS! Luis y Carolina went to the temple and did Baptisms!! it was the best! they went with our ward mission leader, and Carolina said it was the greatest experience of her life. she said she really felt the spirit during her baptism, and felt it even greater for the people that she was serving in the temple! Im so pumped for them.

the other day we were teaching Felipe, and we were talking about tithing. when we finished talking about it, we asked him if after his baptism he would pay tithing. he said "if it is a commandment of God, I will do it". that got me so pumped to be a missionary. here is a young man that in completely changing his life because he has faith in Jesus Christ. Felipe is one of my heroes.
Lucas and his mom Ivonne are doing well. we have almost finished teaching Lucas what he needs to hear before his baptism, and now we want to focus more on growing his testimony. its amazing how much the simple things help. read the scriptures, pray, and go to church, and you´ll be ok, your testimony will be strenghtened, and the spirit will be with you.

I know this church is true. I know that it is Gods kingdom on the earth, and I want to serve my Savior for the rest of my life.


Elder Williams

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