Hola familia y Amigos,por favor perdonanme because I left my camera in the house this week, so I don't have any photos, but tons of awesome things happened.first, I wanted to mention a couple of things from the past week that I forgot to write. number one, my companion is super awesome. before the mission he studied music and he plays the violin. he brought his violin with him to the mission, and 2 sundays ago he played in church while the other missionaries sang. it was super beautiful. it is a huge blessing to have a companion like Elder Munoz who loves to sing and loves music. Iove singing with Chilenos. they love to sing (despite wheter or not they can do it in tune).I should explain what our ward is like here in Quinta Normal. the ward is called Simon Bolivar. the chapel is two stories tall. the sacrament hall is in the second floor with the gym and kitchen, and the first floor has all of the classrooms. there are 6 missionaries in our ward. 4 are hermanas and the rest are us. our ward has about 150 in it that assist regularly, and is super awesome. it is also very cold in the chapel in the winter. I never used to wear sweaters underneath my suits or gloves in the church, but now it is necessary.I want to talk about a person that we met the other day. his name is Alejandro, and he is a ninja. we were in the neighborhood, knocking doors, and he answered, and told us that he had actually been baptized when he was 8 and then after that didn't go to church again. he told us that we could stop by a couple days later, because he was a little busy, and while we were setting an appointment with him, he told us that he attends a martial arts class. fast forward 1 week later, and we stopped by his house and he answered the door in ninja clothing. he had been training, and he was wearing those cool footsy ninja pants that have a split toe like a turtle. He is super awesome, and wants to learn more about why we are here in this life.also, the past Sunday we were returning home from a church meeting when Luis, a recent convert to the church, called us and asked us if we could give his wife, Carolina, a blessing. we arrived at his house and saw that Carolina was in a lot of pain because of a headache. we placed our hands upon her head and gave her a priesthood blessing. after the blessing Luis was dissapointed because nothing miraculous happened immediatley. the next day we got a phone call from them saying that Carolina had been able to go to sleep, and when she woke up the next morning she felt really good, and had a lot of energy. she said that she felt that the lord had blessed her for her faith. for those of you who are reading who are not members, a priesthood blessing is What Christ and his apostles did when they were on the earth. those that hold the priesthood of God can place their hands upon the head of someone who is sick and leave them with a blessing of health. this power or priesthood of God was restored through the prophet Jospeh Smith.on Thursday we did something super fun. there is something here called Ferria, which is basically a farmers market but huge and takes up the whole street. this week we set up a stand with tons of fliers, pamphlets, DVDs, and books, all of it for free. it was super fun. we talked with a ton of people, and got to experience part of the culture here. it smells a lot in the ferria because you have stands with vegetbales, fish, and fruits. you can buy anything in the ferria. I mean anything. I walked by a stand that was selling Billy Joel CDs. that was fun.on Friday, we helped an hermana pick Oranges off of her tree (because Gringos are taller than chilenos). it was super fun, because her son Kevin was on the roof of the house helping us and throwing oranges and us too. la hermana gave us a huge bag of oranges too, which we shared with the people we met in the streets.On Friday night we had a family home evening of our ward. my companion and I were in charge of the refreshments. we didn't know what to do, so I decided that I was going to make pancakes with M&Ms in them. it was a last minute idea, and I thought it would fail. I forgot that Chileans have never eaten pancakes. THEY LOVED THEM. we now have a problem because they think that I can cook...Luis y Carolina invited us to their house on Sunday to teach them how to make pancakes.On Saturday it rained a ton. that made me miss home a little (shout out to all of my Bothell Cougars out there). we had an activity in the church that night where the different age groups in the church had prepared food, presentations, and dances from different south american countries. when we arrived we were in the second floor of the church, in the gym. all of a sudden, the ground started to shake, and I thought that there was a car that was driving beneath or something, but the shaking didn't stop, but kept going for about 15 seconds, and it got more powerful. it turns out that there was a 6.4 earth quake that happened nearby. my first Temblor in Chile. Im officially a missionary here! there was a huge earthquake here in 2010 and the people are still sensative about it, so when the temblor happened, people started to scream. there are some pretty harsh memories from 2010 that are still lingering in the back of peoples minds, but don't worry, everyone is ok from the earthquake here.Final thing, yesterday we received two free empanadas from some members in our ward, and we left them out on the counter during the night. this was a mistake because I forgot that sometimes we have a visitor at night. there is a cat that loves to squeeze himself through a slit (and I mean a slit) in our sliding glass door to sleep in our "warm" apartment. we woke this morning to empanada crums on the floor. I was angry. I love empanadas.Thank you so much for your emails, pictures, prayers, and all that you doLove,Elder Williams
Santiago Chile

Monday, August 25, 2014
Rain, rain, rain
Monday, August 18, 2014
It's getting hotter
Hola familia y amigos,
I hope you are all doing really awesome! shout out to Evan and Lizzie On Their anneversary!
This week WAS crazy. Elder Boelter Went home this past monday so I Was in load of the sector Abebooks web have. This has-been the hardest week of my life. my companion elder Munoz has-been Heavily Involved in my survival this week. he is from Chile and Does not speak much English, drank His goofy personality and patience, is just what I needed.
It Was weird at first to stop by the houses of our investigators sans Elder Boelter, it felt like someone WAS missing becuase Elder Boelter HAS Such an awesome personality and present, people are thankfully goal inside letting us Their homes.
Because elder Munoz is new here in this sector, I Was in burden of getting us from house to house to the chapel to the grocery store to our apartment in one piece. I got lost only 2 times, so I'm going to call That a win.
this week aussi WAS pretty rough with our lessons. ; many of our investigators Were Either sick, out of town, or nowhere to Be Found. We were walking in the street a lot, and I felt like We Were not really helping the kingdom a lot. I want to share a story about how though the Lord works in mysterious ways. We Were in the southern portion of our sector on Tuesday and stopped by We had 4 or 5 houses and HAD beens not reliable to teach a lesson. I felt terrible. We Were stopping by to see if door Reviews another person WAS the home When We Heard someone scream "Elderes!" we turned around and saw one of the miembros from our ward That Was try trying to carry her daughter to her house agatha All which WAS 2 or 3 blocks away. Agatha WAS standing goal unresponsive and having trouble breathing WAS. Quickly we ran over and Agatha Helped carry to the house and Then We left thinking "That Was really wierd." A couple days later we Passed by to see how That House WAS doing the family, and the mom Told us "I am so thankful for you two. praying to god I Was That Would he send me someone to help me carry my daughter to the Then I saw house and you two around the corner. "
To me it is evidence That There is more to being white a missionary than just numbers. We had-been walking in the street for hours with a lesson, and Because Of Abebooks web Were reliable phrasal preposition the right time in the right place to help this hermana and her daughter.
This week has-been the hardest of my life, I have never seen aim So Many miracles. I have Learned what it means clustering to pray this week. I remember walking in the street one day praying to God That Would he bless my companion and I with the Opportunity to share the Gospel. We Were tired and thirsty and HAD Walked a tone already, and when to door we knocked on Reviews another After about 5 HAD That We Were Rejected us ble to teach a lesson.
I will never take lightly the Opportunity to Teach After agian this week. I have Learned this week what my purpose as a missionary is. Focused as we are missionaries in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Faith, repentance, baptism, the holy ghost, and perservering Until The End. we teach lessons to people so They Can Understand more about this doctrine of Christ, so That They Can develope the faith to follow this pathway to god, the only pathway That Ensures happiness in this life and hope in life after death.
Realization this really hit me when we HAD meeting for all of the new missionaries. this meeting WAS annoncé to us Wednesday night and it WAS to take up all day Friday . We had tons of appointments HAD Planned for That Day and I remember thinking "what the president is doing. going to teach We Were a tone today." I Know That now our president Videla s'intitule of God. the meeting was exactly what I needed. I Learned a tone, and I got to see my friends from the CCM. I Was Edified so much from His inspiration to Have That meeting at That Time.
Thank you all so much for your prayers, your emails and your faith in our Savior Jesus Christ
Elder Williams
Monday, August 11, 2014
Gone Gone Gone
hola familia y amigos
this week has been absolutely crazy. this is the week of cambios where
companions change to different parts of the mission. I am staying here in Quinta
Normal. Elder Boelter left (Ill talk about that in a little bit), and I received
a new companion. His name is Elder Munoz. he is chileno which is awesome. this
will give me a ton of practice with my spanish. he is from a city that lies in
the mission santiago west so he is actually serving pretty close to home. he is
very funny. every missionary that knows him loves him.
Im going to start at the beginning of the week. in order to train me better
Elder Boleter put me in charge of the cell phone this week. Im not going to lie.
it is so hard to talk to Chileans. it is even harder to talk to them by
telephone when you are walking briskly by a busy highway. There are some
telephone calls where I answer talk for 2 minutes and then I hang up and elder
boelter asks me "what did they want". usually I respond "I have no idea but they
said ok todo esta bien when they finished so I think the problem was
A mission is a lot of fun, but it is also really hard. I keep on thinking
about how a sword is made. the blacksmith has a giant hammer and anvil and he
sticks the steel in really hot fire and hits the sword a ton. i Think it has
something to do with getting rid of impurities or something like that. I feel
like I am sword in the making. Im in hot fire, and Im getting hit a lot by big
hammer. but hey, one day Ill be able to pierce people with the spirit of the
Wednesday we had lunch with la hermana feli. she works at a restaurant so
she is a really good cook. we stopped by her house to get the lunch, and we ate
a ton. we were stuffed. we then got a phone call from la hermana Abarca. she
said that we were scheduled to eat lunch at her house that day. she said that
the food was getting cold and that she had prepared it especially for us. she
also sounded a little angry with us. if there is one thing missionaries do not
want, it is members that are angry with them. we told her that we would come and
eat. We had to eat two lunches and Elder Boelter didn't have room in his stomach
to do it. I had finished all of my Lentejas and he still had half of his giant
plate to go. Aqui in Chile if you don't eat all of the food they give you its
rude. I was so full, but Elder Boelter was worse off. that was when I got the
idea to ask the hermana to please bring us more tomatos. she did it, and when
she left the kitchen Elder Boelter scooped his food on my plate so I could eat
it. It was so funny. we were laughing and trying not to throw up, it was
Friday, Elder Boelter went to the temple so I was in an intercambio con
Elder Nelson. Elder Nelson is from Provo Utah and he is going to be the next
assistent to the president. we visited some of his converts when he was here in
my sector. we also taught Lorena. Lorena is suffering from a lot of back
problems recently and it has been hard to meet with her, but we were able to do
it the other day. We found out that her son Camilo who lives in the south of
Chile is also going to be living there. Lorena is awesome. She really wants to
follow Jesus Christ, and she knows that Baptism is the way to do it.
Firday night we received a third companion. Elder Call was serving in the
Robinson Cruso island but he goes home with Elder Boelter, and he needed
somewhere to sleep, so he spent time with us. he actually spent two weeks here 6
moths ago in the same sector. he is awesome and really nice. it was fun to be in
a trio like back in the old days in the CCM.
This weekend there were a lot of trunky thoughts. having two missionaries
that are finishing their missions at the same time is not easy. it was hard to
keep my thoughts focused when we stopped by families from the ward last night to
say goodbye. they all said something like "that is so great that you get to see
your family again and hug your mom, and hang out with your old friends". I was
sitting there thinking "Hey, there are still some of us here that have 1 year
and 9 months left!"
I am so glad to be serving a mission here in Chile. I am learning a ton
about my Savior Jesus Christ and about his Gospel for all of us.
Elder Williams
almuerzo con la familia estica con Elder Boelter y Elder Call
clase de distrito!
Monday, August 4, 2014
The Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning
Hola Familia y Amigos
I have good news. I am typing at a computer that actually works this week
so I can actually tell you what happened this week
This week has been rough in the morning because our water heater broke. its
amazing the things that you take for granted in the United states like hot
water. we also had the light in the bathroom go out, so I was showering in the
cold by candle light.
That happened tuesday, and we had to go the doctor to do a check up with
elder Boelter before he goes home in one week. the doctors office is right next
to the CCM in Chile. I got to see the CCM president again and also some of my
teachers. also, while we were walking to the CCM, we saw some hermanas on the
other side of the street. we didn't say hi to them because they were kind of far
away. while I was in a church store buying some hymn books, I ran into some
sister missionaries from Santiago Oeste mission. I had heard that Seattle Farner
(from Woodinville WA) was in that mission, and I asked them if they new her.
they said she was just here 5 minutes ago. it turns out that she was in that
group of sister missionaries that we saw! that was crazy! Im going to email her
today to verify
Something that we have really been working on as a companionship is
teaching lessons in less than 45 minutes. this is a point in preach my gospel
that here in Chile is really hard to follow because people love to talk. its
hard to ballance preaching the gospel, and developing relationships with the
people you teach. to anyone who has served in Chile, you know what Im talking
about when I say that the people love to talk, and they talk so fast that they
begin to sound like a turkey gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble :)
on Wednesday we were walking back from an appointment with Lorena when we
saw 4 kids running in the street. they had some things in their hands as they
ran. we thought they were playing a game, and then we saw 3 older (and fatter)
guys chasing aftter them and yelling. apparently we had just seen a robbery. it
was kind of funny to see one of the larger men hop on his bicycle to try and
chase them down.
That same day we were in a lesson with an older man and his wife, se llaman
benito y Maria. we talked with them about the restoration, and we were just
finishing up and were about to invite him to be baptized when he told us that he
had been baptized 50 years ago. you think that he would have mentioned that at
the beginning. this has happened to us probably 5 times. we ask people in the
beginning of the lessons if they know the church, or if theyve visited it, or
things like that. they told us in the beginning that they had heard of the
church, but that they hadn't gone to it. I dont understand, its kind of like "oh
by the way, Im already a member of your church". but I always think its funny
when that happens.
on Friday we were walking in the street, and I saw a woman that was just
standing in her door enjoying some solsito (sun rays). we talked to her for a
bit, and we asked her if we could share our message with her. she said ok, and
we entered. when we entered we saw that there were no men in the house. as
missionaries, we have the rule that we can teach if we sit near the front door,
and if the door is open. in addition to this we saw that this woman had 5
daughters, 3 of whom were around our age. we taught the family about the
restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ, but Im not going to lie I dont know
if those 3 daughters were completely focused in the lesson, but more in my
companion's eyes
sorry to you guys if the baptism of Luis y Carolina was a little
surprising. there is a tradition in this companionship that we do not email
about our baptisms before they happen, because it is guaranteed that if I talk
about it before it happens, it doesn't happen. pero, eso. Luis y Carolina
received the gift of the holy Ghost this Sunday. Luis also received the aaronic
priesthood. We met with them earlier this week to see how they were doing. they
recently downloaded the gospel library app on their phones and Luis told us that
usually he plays mario when he is in the bathroom, but now he is reading his
scriptures. that is a win in this missionary's book.
This week was a ton of fun, and I am really excited for this next week. it
is the last week of Elder Boelter. because of the change of mission presidents
in the beginning of my mission, this cambio or transfer period is 8 weeks. I
will be getting a new companion next week, so that should be fun, but I am going
to miss Elder Boelter a ton.
Last but definitly not least I need to give a shout out to the two most
important women in my life. Hermana Williams, Congratulations on entering the
CCM! Mama Williams: Happy Birthday!!!!!!!
Elder Williams
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